Sunday, February 3, 2019

Joe Ramos Blesses Grandbaby

On February 3 Joe Ramos blessed his latest grandchild in Sacrament meeting, assisted by the bishopric as well as Loren Perry, Cliff Kerr and Dave Gillingwater. The baby is Carly-Ray Esmerelda Alfaro and was born July 25, 2018. Her parents are Ray Alfaro and Sally Ramos. The
family lives in Stockton.
L to R: Stephen Aberle, Ray Alfaro holdng Carly-Ray, Sally Ramos, and Joe Ramos

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Mokelumne Ward Mission Action Plan

Eric Fairbanks, Ward Mission Leader
    On January 20 after Sunday School the Elders' Quorum presented a "Fireside" directed by Ward Mission Leader Eric Fairbanks.  He said their goal is to share the Gospel with ALL.  "Every soul is precious to Heavenly Father," he said. "This includes active, inactive, non-members, and ancestors."
    Brother Fairbanks presented a PowerPoint that explained the ways we can help.  They included four activities:
1.  Find and prepare people to hear the Gospel.
2.  Assist, by going out with missionaries and hosting lessons in your home.
3.  Fellowship those being taught.
4. Prioritize activities to prepare all ward members for full-time mission service.
     The Elder's Quorum plans to have quarterly missionary firesides.
    Following the fireside, ward members enjoyed a "linger-longer" time, enjoying delicious soups and cookies provided by ward volunteers.

Zac Stapleton Newly Baptized Member

L to R:  Zac, Sister White, Sister Schokker,
 and new missionary Sister Guymon
      In an interview with Ann Kerr, Zac Stapleton, a student at Lodi High School, said he was dating Naomi Gonzalez, who also goes to Lodi High, and she introduced him to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Zac was taught the Gospel by missionaries Sister Guzmon and Sister Schokker.  He accepted and was baptized January19 by Gideon Gonzalez.