Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Trevor Woods Returns from Idaho Mission

   Trevor Woods has returned from a two-year mission in the Idaho Falls, Idaho mission.  He reported with an excellent talk in Sacrament Meeting March 24. Trevor is the son of Tammy Woods and she was so excited to welcome him home. (Left)
   Trevor said he had learned many things on his mission that will help him in life.  Here are a few:
1.  How to lead and how to follow
2.  How to communicate with people from all levels of life
3. How to set goals and achieve them
4.  How to gain and strengthen a testimony of Jesus Christ and his church.
     All missionaries have challenges that help them grow.  Trevor shared some of his.
1.  Being with someone 24 hours a day, seven days a week was a challenge for me at first.

2.  I didn't know the gospel very well when I was first out.  I wish I would have studied more.
3.  Giving training at meetings and giving talks.
    4.  Talking to random people about the gospel was terrifying.

Trevor and his companion teach an investigator in Idaho

     Trevor faithfully wrote home each week to his family and friends.  Here is a quote from one of his recent letters.  "I have loved every moment of the mission.  There have been difficult moments but nothing even close to overshadow the many wonderful experiences I've had.  I love this gospel!  It is truly a gospel of repentance.  Our mission culture is that we teach repentance and baptize converts.  Baptism is the gate by which we enter to the covenants we have to make with our Heavenly Father to be saved.  Faith and repentance is what we need to do to prepare ourselves to make and keep those covenants.  I'm grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ."

Sunday, March 10, 2019

8-year-old Hazel Sroufe Baptized

Hazel Sroufe was baptized by her father Adam Sroufe February 2, 2019. Brother Sroufe expressed his love for the opportunity to use the Priesthood to perform saving ordinances for his daughter.

On the day of her baptism she poses with her parents Adam and Hillary Sroufe and her brother Asher and sisters Willa and Starr.

In the picture on the left below, Hazel stands between both sets of grandparents.  On her left are her dad's parents, Dan and Teressa Sroufe.  On her right are her mother's parents. 

Both sets of parents participated in the baptismal program by giving "twosome" talks.

In the picture on the right, Hazel holds a poster made by Grandma Teressa which she used in their talk.  It tells the trials of some of the women in the scriptures. Hazel loves it and has it displayed in her room.

Unique Funeral Service for Perry Ulufanua

A beautiful funeral service for Perry Ulufanua, Leka Rosenbusch's brother, was held February 23 at the Ham Lane building.  The cultural hall was decorated in colorful Samoan items.  Friends and family enjoyed listening to speakers tell childhood memories and sing Samoan songs.

 Ward member volunteers provided a delicious breakfast after the Samoan funeral.  Then a typical religious funeral was held in the chapel, followed by a catered lunch.

Stake Leaders Behind the Scenes

Some of the Mokelumne River Ward members have stake callings and are often out of sight, but are always doing important things that need done.  In this case, Ruth Anderson, left picture, who is Stake Relief Society President, needed to plan several meals for a recent multi-stake conference that featured several general authorities and was hosted in our stake building Feb 9-10. She is working with Sherrill Adamska who volunteered to help.  Sherrill is also helping Cathy Leonard (center picture) who is the Stake Relief Society Secretary. On the right, Neil Anderson also helps out. The top picture shows the table setting for one of the "family style" meals.