Sunday, September 15, 2019


   Families, singles, kids, old friends, new friends--all had a great time celebrating the second birthday of Mokelumne River Ward.  Warmth and love were abundant all through the evening.
   Dan Sroufe got everyone thinking about family history by playing a fun game where folks were able to find out who they were related to in the room using "Relatives Around Me" on the FamilySearch app on their phones. It was interesting to discover that most of us had relatives we didn't even realize we had.

The yummy dinner featured grilled tri-tip steak and chicken, with rice, salad, cornbread and cake.

Ann Kerr (left) prepared a running slideshow featuring hundreds of pictures taken over the last two years for the Mokelumne River Ward History.    Luis Gonzalez (right) from Stockton and son of Silvia Gonzalez, played music for the event including a rousing dance enjoyed by all ages to conclude the evening.

Achievement Day Girls Make Sacrament Bread!

With the help of leader Ginny Shull, the 7-9 year old Activity Days girls learned more about the importance of the sacrament this week. As part of a service project, they made homemade bread to be used for the sacrament ordinance on Sunday. They worked hard mixing and kneading. Great job, girls!