Sunday, November 10, 2019

Tommy Seifert's Successful Eagle Scout Project

    These are just a few of the 65 blankets produced by friends of Tommy Seifert for his Eagle Scout Project.  They are ready for delivery to the Lincoln Square Post-Acute Care Center in Stockton.

    A large crowd of people came to help with the tying of the blankets.  It was well organized, and Tommy was there to greet people and record their service.  He even planned some breakfast goodies for all to enjoy.  Tommy's mother Reyna (lower right picture) was there throughout to support  him in this meaningful project.

All kinds of friends helped with the project: teenage boys, grandmas, grandpas, young women, and even a primary girl working with her father.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Meet Our New Missionary

      Sister Hamilton on the left is going to be a new companion for Sister Ballantyne, whose companion Sister Graham was transferred to Carmichael.  Sister Hamilton came from Carmichael, so they were in essence just exchanging places.
     Did you know that each time a missionary change is made in a ward each of the missionaries receives a Priesthood blessing?  Cliff Kerr and Bishop Holden gave the blessings to these wonderful missionaries. We look forward to getting to know sister Hamilton.  She has a sparkling personality.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ted and Lisa Hoffman Join the Church

Ted and Lisa Hoffman became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in a special service November 2, 2019.  They are excited to join our ward.  They had been familiar with the church before, but only recently sought out the missionaries.  Our ward missionaries, Sisters Graham and Ballantyne,  taught them every day for two weeks and they easily made the decision to join the church.  They were baptized by Eric Fairbanks and confirmed the next day in Sacrament meeting by Loren Perry.

  Left:  Cathy Leonard met with them and told them she was sure they would want to see that their ancestors also had the same opportunity.  She invited each of them to fill out the booklets with their own ancestors name as a head start to working on their family history and getting the work done for their deceased ancestors.  They will be setting up a date this next week to work with them and introduce them to working on their family history.
   Right:  After the baptism Ted and Lisa were greeted by ward friends and a special guest, Sister Hymas, wife of the California Sacramento Mission President.  The evening of their baptism the sister missionaries took them to Sacramento for a tour of the Sacramento temple.

  In addition,  something special happened at this baptism.  Usually two men witness the baptism to make sure the person is totally immersed. Recently the Church began allowing women to be witnesses. Suzanne Fairbanks (left) and Jackie Perry (right) were the first women in our ward to participate in this ordinance.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A Safe and Very Fun Halloween Party

 Kids, parents, grandparents and other members from both Lodi Wards and the Spanish Branch joined together for a Halloween celebration that would keep children safely with their parents and friends."Trunk or Treat" scenes were set up in the trunks of cars, and candy was provided by volunteers throughout the wards. Everyone enjoyed nachos and hot dogs and lots of great fellowship.  The attendance was over the top. The pictures below will give you an idea the "scary" fun had by all.