Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Threesome of Sister Missionaries Bless Our Ward

     We have three amazing, delightful sister missionaries in our ward.  On the left is Sister Bollschweiler from Kuna, Idaho.  She says, "My time spent serving as a missionary has helped me in striving to become the kind of person I want to be for the rest of my life.  I am forever grateful for the opportunity to serve God and my neighbors !"
    In the center is Sister Otto from Riverton, Utah who gives a favorite scripture: "These things I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.  In the world  ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer.  I have overcome the world."  John 16:33
   On the right is Sister Smith from Eagle Mountain, Utah who says:  "Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the time the Lord has given me to serve Him.  I have loved every single person that I've met here and the experiences I've had here have truly changed me forever.  I know that God really does live and knows His children."  Alma 26:16

Beautiful Young Woman in Major Musical

 Samantha McGhie is performing as a dancer and singer in the Lodi Musical Theater for Performing Arts production of "West Side Story." She has been a dancer for over eight years and has performed with San Joaquin Ballet.  She has also studied piano and guitar. After each show she and other performers meet in the foyer and visit with members of the audience.  Samantha is  delightful girl who just graduated from seminary and high school and has been accepted to BYU-Provo.  She is the daughter of Skip and Julie McGhie.

Two Recent Baptisms

 Two boys were recently baptized members of the church.  They are:

Landon Sean Corbin, June 19, 2021

Ephraim Leon Gonzalez, June 19 2021

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Spring is Seminary Graduation Time

    Another seminary graduation!  Our ward has two graduates--Bryce Farlee and Samatha McGhie.  This year in seminary has been different and difficult at times.  The senior class was online most of the year, with a few zoom lessons once a week.  After the March break they transitioned to three days in person and two days online.  It required them to be very diligent and not get behind.

     Seminary teacher Teresa Sroufe said, "I love the teenagers and here are the great ones that persevered when their world crashed.  It's been an honor.  They teach me more than I taught them.  They are going to do great things!"

In the picture are Sister Sroufe on the left and Brother Scott Malm (in back with a mask) teacher their freshman year.  Students (L to R) are Bryce Farlee, Isabella Brando, Samantha McGhie, Aidelyn Cortez-Ojeda, and Bianca Simmons.  Isabella and Bianca are from Vineyard Ward.