Friday, April 22, 2022

Relief Society Sisters Get Organizing Tips

     Sister  Rebecca Simmons is a professional organizer with paying clients.  She was perfect for teaching R.S. sisters how to have a "House of Order."  Some of her tips:  (1) You probably won't ever use something if you've had it for awhile and have never used it.  (2) Stay in the room you're working on.  Don't go back and forth around the house. (3) Clear zipper file bags from Amazon are perfect for organizing small groups of things in a purse.  She had a sample for everyone to take home.  She spent about an hour giving all kinds of ideas and answering questions.  All sisters were given detailed handouts to take home.

   Sister Elizabeth Sprowls also had good advice on how to organize craft items--and she had hundreds of them in her craft room which is about 10x10 feet The walls are lined with shelves and cupboards filled with bottles, clear plastic boxes, and clear bags hanging from a rod.  She decorates tin cans which hold pencils, pens, and other items.  She has a clear canister for cookie cutters  All of these things are labeled.  The picture on the lower left shows a desk she made by putting a board over two small filing cabinets.  Elizabeth is very talented with crafts and will help anyone who is interested.  She will even share her many products collected over the years.  Both of these sisters are valuable additions to the Mokelumne River Ward sisters.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Primary Children Loved Their "Unbirthday Party"

    On April 1st the Mokelumne River Ward primary had an “unbirthday party." The event included pizza, cupcakes and games. The event was well attended with 70 primary age children there. There was even a juggling clown, Tim Shull. They played: Bean bag toss into the 10 plagues of Egypt, pin the animal on Noah’s ark, a relay game, musical chairs and ended with a story to help remind them that they are the light of the world. The lights went off, glo sticks lit and a dance party began. They finished the night with a cupcake. A great time was had by all!!