Friday, June 17, 2022

Duty to God Preparation Campout

June 16th - 17th, the Young Men participated in a Duty to God preparation campout at
Bishop Holden’s home.
   The boys reviewed basic camping skills, swimming, and Duty to God preparation activities. This included a S’mores cooking competition between the quorums, which was won by the Deacons with a strawberry,- mango-chocolate s’more.
                              These pictures represent some of their activities.

Amazing Sister Missionaries

    Our full time sister missionaries don't have to be in a formal situation on hold one of their encouragement meetings for ward members.  If the family needs to be in the garden at the time they can come, that's where it will be.  The Kerr family had only a limited time to harvest apricots and get them on the drying racks. Sister Webb and Sister Garner felt right at home here.  The apricot project got finished and the sisters gave a beautiful lesson, with encouragement to continue to invite friends to learn of the Gospel.  And they were excited to go home with a freshly picked bag of apricots. We are so blessed to have these two missionaries in our ward.

Relief Society Sisters Enjoy Temple Trip


   Relief Society sisters enjoyed a wonderful evening for their June temple activity. They carpooled from the church and had great conversations on the way. Most of the sisters went through the endowment session and a few sisters (Liz Sprowls, Pat Ambrosi and Kelly Heffington) did sealings for family members.

    For some of them it was the first time back since COVID. All enjoyed the spirit of being back in the temple and someone mentioned that they felt peace during the session. Another sister felt they should take the opportunity to attend the temple more often. 
    After the session and a quick photo shoot, they  headed to Brookfield’s for dinner and more conversation. All in all it was a really good evening and the Relief Society Presidency  encourages sisters to visit the temple every month. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Athea Fluckiger Baptized

    Athea Fluckiger became an official member of the church on June 4 when she was baptized by her father, Jymard Fluckiger.  (Family on left)  It was exciting for her to have her grandparents present for the baptism.  (Pictured on the right)  They are Shawn and Liz Kirkley and were once members of the ward.  Athea's mother Maria came up with an idea of how to pass the time while Athea and her father were getting dressed after the baptism.  She gave everyone in attendance a little card on which they could write a message to Athea.  Her mom reported that "She just loved it.  It made her smile so much." Some of the notes were written in cursive, which Athea couldn't read, so her mother read them to her and it was delightful for both of them.  What a good idea!

Bonnie Raingruber Completes Important Temple Work

    Bonnie lost her husband Robert four months ago and wanted very much to be sealed to him in the temple.  He was not a member of the church.  To make this happen, Bishop Holden assigned Mark and Judy Wilcox to give her 10 lessons including various things she would need to learn and know in order to have this accomplished. They did an excellent job.

   The Wilcox couple along with Cliff and Ann Kerr went with her to the temple for her own endowments.  Cliff Kerr was baptized for her husband Robert Raingruber.

   A week later on May 26, Bonnie was sealed to her husband.  Following that sealing, her parents were sealed to each other and she to them.  Mark Wilcox was the proxy for Robert and her Dad.  Cliff Kerr and Judy Wilcox were witnesses.  The above picture represents Robert and Bonnie now having an eternal marriage performed in the Sacramento Temple, with Christ who makes it possible.  Robert was a talented poet and musician.  Ann Kerr make a video featuring Christ in a song Robert wrote called "Jesus Is His Name."  If you would like to see it click on this link: