Sunday, January 29, 2023

First Missionary Baptism of the Year

   James Nathan Massie was baptized Tuesday, January 24 and confirmed Sunday, January 29 by Brother Dennis Cooper who became a good friend of Brother Massie when he began learning the gospel from the Sister Missionaries. They said, "We met him outside his home one day and things took off from there. He has read the Book of Mormon three times already!  We are so happy for him."  Brother Massie is a truck driver and is soon moving to Clear Lake to live with a brother. We congratulate him and send him off with love and good wishes.


Thursday, January 26, 2023

100th Birthday Calls for a Celebration

   Betty Kirschenmann, a long time member of the ward, turned 100 January 28 2023. Under the direction of Tammy Woods and Ann Voegele (upper right picture), a few sisters gathered at her home for a birthday celebration lunch.  Everyone enjoyed huge sandwiches, meatballs, salad, fruit, and a delicious birthday cake. Betty had no trouble blowing out the candles (there were only 3) on the cake. Each guest sat with Betty as she opened their gift or card. Betty was so touched by the whole thing.  She said, "This is wonderful. I love it."  Betty can barely see, and only hear if someone shouts into her ear. She is confined to her home and cannot  come to church. This was a very meaningful event for her. There is no doubt that the Savior was looking down on all of them with a smile on His face for the help and love that the Mokelulmne River sisters have for each other.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Young Men and Young Women Enjoy Temple Trip

       On January 10, our youth took a trip to the Sacramento Temple to do baptisms. Several of our brand new youth participated in this activity. We have a large group but our kids are so good and everything runs really smoothly. After the temple, we stopped at Leatherby’s for dinner and some ice cream. It was a really fun night.


Welcome Renton Conner Gonzalez!


     Gideon and Rhiannon Gonzalez were blessed with their third child, a boy, on November 7. That was a month before his due date, but he couldn't wait to get here. He was given a blessing and name, Renton Conner Gonzalez,  by his father on Sunday, January 8.  He is so loved by his family.  His mother said that "he loves his mommy, and his daddy, and thinks his brother and sister are really cool."
            In this picture here he is being held by his brother Ephraim. Congratulations to the amazing Gonzalez family.