Friday, September 15, 2023

Rodneisha Jackson Baptized

  Left to right: Sister Smith, Sister Cyr, Neisha and her daughter Ryin, Sister Harris, Trent Simmons. 

    A special baptism was held Sept. 14 for Rodneisha (Neisha) Jackson who has been taught by our three sister missionaries.  Neisha was first taught the gospel by missionaries two years ago here in Lodi. When the sister missionaries met her she was definitely ready to be taught more. They have been teaching her for five months.  She was baptized by Trent Simmons, who with his wife were ward missionaries, and brought Neisha to church every Sunday. Brother Chris Boyer confirmed her a member of the church.

   Neisha's mother was there, as well as her four year old daughter, Ryin, and an older son, Synceres.  The sister missionaries together gave a delightful story about Jesus and His baptism, how He received the Holy Ghost, and how Neisha can live a life centered on Jesus Christ. Bishop Adam Sroufe  welcomed her into the ward, and Kari Fairbanks welcomed her into Relief Society.  Bishop Sroufe said "It was a wonderful spiritual experience to witness!"  We welcome Neisha and Ryin into the ward. 


Monday, September 4, 2023

Ward Quarterly Event Features Delicious Tacos!


      Old and young alike could have a perfect taco because they got to select the good things to put in it. Neil Anderson barbecued all the meat for the event.  Reyna Siefert made the rice and beans. We were so excited that she was able to bless us with her talented cooking. Relief Society sisters furnished the lettuce.

      Bishop Sroufe asked Sister Mogler to bring a spiritual element to the evening. Andrew Banks had the idea for bingo and was her helper for numbers. Sister Mogler accomplished the spiritual aspect with names of five bingo games: (Straight & Narrow Path, Ten Commandments, 12 Tribes of Israel, Nephi's Courage, and Book of Mormon Blackout.) LDS trivia was included on the game sheets.