Friday, April 20, 2018

Ministering in the Mokelumne River Ward

Mokelumne Ward members were "ministering" before it became the go-to word in the LDS Church. Here are a couple of examples that show the love we have for each other and for the Lord.

Elder Holland (above,) President Nelson, and several others talked in the recent General Conference about the importance of ministering to each other.  At the same time Cathy Leonard was serving as a care giver for Sherrill Adamska after she had a knee replacement. It wasn't anything official--Cathy just wanted to do it because she saw a need. It was greatly appreciated by Sherrill.

   Tammy Woods asked Alysa Webb if she could sing "I Am A Child of God" at the "Celebration of Life" service for Lopaka Baptista who used to live here, but passed away at his home in Hawaii. She was asked if she could play the ukulele while she sang, as it was a favorite instrument of both Pua and Lopaka Baptista.  Keep in mind that Alysa didn't know the Baptistas at all, but was still willing to serve.
    When Pua and her family arrived here in Lodi, she had brought two of Lopaka's ukuleles that he had made, and were very valuable.  "Wouldn't it be nice if Alysa could play one of them as she sang?"  Ann Kerr took one of them to Alysa's house to see if that were possible. Alysa noticed that it had more strings than the regular ukulele she played, but said she would look on YouTube and see if she could learn to play it.  (The service was two days away.)
    Alysa came, played Lopoka's ukulele, and performed a touching rendition of "I Am A Child of God." A few days after, we found out Alysa woke up sick that morning and had prayed to Heavenly Father that she would be well enough to sing. This is ministering, and also a connection of adult sisters with Young Women, as the recent conference has suggested we implement.
    NOTE:  Alysa's brother Caden also sang a beautiful rendition of "O Holy Night" for Guy Condor's recent funeral service. We are so proud of the Webb children and their willingness to serve.

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