Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Happy Birthday Mokelumne River Ward!

  We turned "One" in August!  It was a great year, so we celebrated it the way we began it -- with a great big party. Check out the pictures below to recall and share the excitement of that evening.
 These were the ingredients of a perfect party:  tri-tip cooked to perfection on an outdoor grill; lots of other yummy food for a gourmet meal; a dessert auction; and a dance to top it off.

  Fred Fairbanks did a professional and fun job (lower left) of auctioning desserts made by Young Women to support their camp experience.  Other ward members also contributed their favorite dessert creations.  Generosity abounded as buyers shared their purchase with others at their table.  Missionaries were the recipients of two pies sold at the auction. Most of the desserts went for $25 to over $100.  A table of small single treats were sold at a table in front for $1 each.

    We captured a few pictures of ward members enjoying the evening, and celebrating this important milestone for the Mokelumne River Ward.  We are a family in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Note:  Click on any of the collages to get a larger view.

Relief Society Sisters Make "Compassionate" Cards

   Getting together as friends is fun.  Making cards is fun.  Relief Society sisters met together August 16 for an enjoyable evening of making cards that can be used  as a way to minister to others in need.
   Angie Boswell brought craft supplies and card stock to make the handmade compassion cards.  They were embellished with ribbon, stickers, and stamped with words of encouragements.  It was a fun filled evening of conversations and making beautiful cards that would lift the lives of others.  Another way of giving service.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

2018 Girls' Camp is Spirtual Experience

    Thirty-three Young Women along with the Mokelumne River Ward YW presidency enjoyed a week at Camp Richie at Bear River Reservoir.  A new manual from the Church de-emphasized camp skills and certification, and instead featured activities that increased spiritual awareness and love. Girls had experiences that increased their faith in God and helped them stay on the right path.
Young Woman President Bronwyn Webb reported that recently in Sacrament meeting the young women presented a camp themed program.  "We heard from a girl from each level at camp: 1st year: Aubrey Anderson; 2nd year: Natalie Robison; 3rd year: Gillian Versteeg; 4th year: Avery Self; 5th year: Addison Burton; 6th year: Brooklynn Shull.  We performed “As Sister’s in Zion” and “Peace in Christ” as a choir.  What beautiful, strong, Christlike girls they are, an example to us their leaders, in many ways!  We are so proud of the women they are becoming!"  
    The theme for the week was taken from D&C 19:23: “Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.”  To illustrate this, girls participated in a faith walk.  As they journeyed  along a path they encountered stones that represented the burdens, trials, and struggles in life.  They had to carry these as they progressed.  The final stop was a campfire with a large image of Christ.  They dropped their stones at his feet and it was impressed on them to look to Christ and He would lighten their burdens.
     Each day all the girls in camp had a “Sacred Grove Time”—30 minutes of quiet to read, ponder, pray, or just sit and appreciate their beautiful surroundings.

   Here are some camp pictures for you to enjoy.

Left: Sunday picture of the Mokelumne River Ward girls who went to camp this year.  Bishop Holden was there for several days and the girls enjoyed his presence.