Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Happy Birthday Mokelumne River Ward!

  We turned "One" in August!  It was a great year, so we celebrated it the way we began it -- with a great big party. Check out the pictures below to recall and share the excitement of that evening.
 These were the ingredients of a perfect party:  tri-tip cooked to perfection on an outdoor grill; lots of other yummy food for a gourmet meal; a dessert auction; and a dance to top it off.

  Fred Fairbanks did a professional and fun job (lower left) of auctioning desserts made by Young Women to support their camp experience.  Other ward members also contributed their favorite dessert creations.  Generosity abounded as buyers shared their purchase with others at their table.  Missionaries were the recipients of two pies sold at the auction. Most of the desserts went for $25 to over $100.  A table of small single treats were sold at a table in front for $1 each.

    We captured a few pictures of ward members enjoying the evening, and celebrating this important milestone for the Mokelumne River Ward.  We are a family in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Note:  Click on any of the collages to get a larger view.

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