Sunday, September 16, 2018

Relief Society and Elders Quorum Presidencies Reajusted

Relief Society

  When Ruth Anderson was recently called to be the Stake Relief Society president, she was replaced in the Mokelumne River Ward RS Presidency by Kaela Burke.  Kaela will be in charge of the various monthly weekday activities. Wendy Weight will coordinate the Sunday lessons.
   President Judy Wilcox said the goal of the Relief Society is to develop more spirituality in the lives of the sisters.  This will be accomplished by good classes, council meetings and activities.  
L to R:  Kaela Burke, first counselor; Judy Wilcox. president; Wendy Weight, second counselor; Glenda Grover, secretary.

Elders Quorum

L to R:  Eric Fairbanks, secretary; Neil Anderson, second counselor; Adam Sroufe, first counselor; Don Daley, president.
  According to the presidency, "The purpose of the Elders Quorum is to unify all ward priesthood holders, and by extension, all Mokelumne Ward members, to accomplish the work of salvation."

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