Sunday, November 4, 2018

Not one, not two, but THREE Gospel Doctrine teachers!

   Having three teachers for the adult Gospel Doctrine class makes for interesting lessons.  Each of the teachers has a set of skills that is excellent, but uniquely different in approach and execution.
   Vicki Anderson was experienced as a Gospel Doctrine teacher in Lodi Second Ward before it was merged with Lodi Third Ward just over a year ago. She is a competent and professional teacher, delving into the scriptures and leading a meaningful discussion.  For the first time in her life she went "techie" and learned how to make and present PowerPoint lessons.  She always finds interesting pictures to help drive home a point, and puts all the discussion scriptures on the screen to help students follow them more closely.  One of her first PP lessons was about the creation and Garden of Eden. She had some awesome pictures, as well as a video to give the class a feeling for these extensive and critical events.
   Vickie says, "I love teaching for so many reasons.  I learn so much studying the lessons and digging deeply into the scriptures.  I love to feel the Spirit as we share with one another our insights and experiences with the scriptures.  I am learning new ways to teach in the chapel that expand my knowledge.  I love teaching and helping others come to the Lord and feel His Spirit."
   Marie VerSteeg had never been a Gospel Doctrine teacher before, but says, "I enjoy teaching Sunday School because it gives me an opportunity to dive deeper into the scriptures."
     She comes in with a spirited and exciting approach.  No two lessons are the same. She has object lessons, videos, pictures, dramatization--whatever the spirit puts into her mind.  In a recent lesson, she conducted class in the cultural hall, not the chapel.  Class members sat at round tables and were given a scripture from the book of Isaiah.  Each group was to discuss what the scripture meant and draw a picture of it on a large piece of newsprint.  Then a representative from each table came up and told what they thought the scripture was saying.  It was a fascinating and instructional lesson. See pictures below.

    Nate Woods was recently called to be the third Gospel Doctrine teacher.  His strong point is his engaging personality, amazing classroom presence, and excellent discussion leadership.  To make sure every comment is heard he runs the microphone to each participant a soon as a hand is raised. (Good thing Nate used to coach a track team.)  Time flies when Nate is teaching.
  "Sunday School is a rare opportunity where I get the chance to share my thoughts and feelings on any given subject," Nate says, "and in return receive thoughts and feeling back.  Being called to teach adults has been the best learning experience and has brought me closer to the Savior.  Teaching is a lot of fun too!"

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