Monday, January 21, 2019

Relief Society Sisters Learn Financial Planning

   A welcomed guest speaker in January for Relief Society was Brother Winstrom Burke who is well versed in the banking and financial arena.  He talked about paying tithing, setting budgets and planning for the future.  "He understood that we are all in different situations in our lives and he gave information based on our needs," said Kathy Cowley who attended the lecture.
   "The lecture information was so helpful to young couples and young adults," commented Cathy Leonard. "He presented a lot of good principles, many from Dave Ramsey & Financial Peace University."    Brother Burke graciously answered the many questions sisters had, and was willing to answer individual questions at the end.
   This event was the first in a new quarterly series planned by the ward Relief Society.  It was a "teaching" evening.  The next one in the quarter will be "serving" and the third will be "social."

Thursday, January 10, 2019

A Temple Experience for New Member Julie Evans

   New member Julie Evans has a deep interest in family history.  As soon as she was baptized she wanted to take family names to the temple.  The sister missionaries who taught her were able to go with her, as well recent convert Jen Tovar and three couples from the ward: Travis and Cathy Leonard, Dave and Ardell Gillingwater, and Earl and Betty McOmber.
   Julie was baptized for three of her ancestors and a few more from other families.  President Anderson, who was also there, did the confirmations.
     It was cold, rainy, and windy outside, but inside the temple was a great warmth.  A happy occasion for all who were there on a busy temple day.
Left: Sister Evans (center) with Sister White and Sister Schokker. Right picture L to R: Sister Schokker, Sister White, Julie Evans, and Jen Tovar light up the world with their smiles on a blustery day.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Jeremy Banks Called to Serve in Washington Tacoma Mission

      Jeremy Banks, son of David and Shawna Banks, will be reporting to the MTC/Provo on February 13 to prepare for serving an English speaking mission in Tacoma, Washington.
    Prospective missionaries in the digital age do not wait for a big white envelop to arrive in the mail containing a letter calling them to a certain mission.  They get an email that the call has been sent, with instructions on where to find it. When Jeremy got this email he decided to wait until he could be joined  in the Relief Society Room with family and friends to learn where he would be serving. (See photos below.)

     Jeremy's mother Shawna said he began to consider a mission while at BYU-Idaho.  His roommates were returned missionaries and had a positive influence on him.  His bishop at BYU-Idaho challenged him to read the Book of Mormon, which he did.  Then he knew that he wanted to serve a mission.  The Mokelumne River Ward wishes him well.