Sunday, January 6, 2019

Jeremy Banks Called to Serve in Washington Tacoma Mission

      Jeremy Banks, son of David and Shawna Banks, will be reporting to the MTC/Provo on February 13 to prepare for serving an English speaking mission in Tacoma, Washington.
    Prospective missionaries in the digital age do not wait for a big white envelop to arrive in the mail containing a letter calling them to a certain mission.  They get an email that the call has been sent, with instructions on where to find it. When Jeremy got this email he decided to wait until he could be joined  in the Relief Society Room with family and friends to learn where he would be serving. (See photos below.)

     Jeremy's mother Shawna said he began to consider a mission while at BYU-Idaho.  His roommates were returned missionaries and had a positive influence on him.  His bishop at BYU-Idaho challenged him to read the Book of Mormon, which he did.  Then he knew that he wanted to serve a mission.  The Mokelumne River Ward wishes him well.

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