Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A Beautiful Musical Sacrament Meeting for Christmas

   The chapel and cultural-hall-overflow were filled for Sacrament Meeting the Sunday before Christmas with members and guests who came to celebrate the birth of Christ.  The program was music oriented, with spiritual readings by Joseph Stringer, second counselor in the bishopric.
  The primary children sang "Picture a Christmas" and "Can I Hold the Baby?" The ward adult and youth choir sang two numbers with a special duet in between--"A Christmas Medley" piano/organ duet by Rocky Shore and JP Tingey.
     Sister Liz Kirkley directed the choir in their beautiful renditions. The congregation joined the choir singing "Silent Night," followed by a testimony of Jesus Christ and the significance of his birth elegantly given by Bishop Eric Holden. The closing song was a vocal solo "O Holy Night" by Caden Webb, accompanied by Ann Broughten.
      The pictures below are the adult/youth choir practicing in the Relief Society room the Sunday before the performance.
    The entire program was planned and orchestrated by Ward Music Chairperson Jackie Perry.  Jackie is a musician herself and had this to say about music in our lives, and especially at Christmas.
    "Music is a part of heaven and has been from the beginning.  I'm sure that at this moment angels surround God's throne singing and praising Him.  David O. McKay said that music was the fourth greatest need of man.  First is food to sustain life; second is shelter to protect us from the elements; third is clothing to protect our bodies; and fourth is music to sustain our souls and protect our spirits.
   "Music is of great importance here on earth as we express happiness, joy, love, celebration and worship and continue to praise God and His son.  I can't imagine Christmas without music, as it touches a special place within us and makes the birth in Bethlehem come alive.
   "God delights in the song of the heart and a song of the righteous is a prayer unto Him."

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