Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A Gift of Love Around the World

    Relief Society and Young Women celebrated Christmas by honoring the love Christ has for all of us, not just here, but around the world. Laurie Shore gave each sister a wooden box articulately  constructed by her husband Rocky. It didn't look like there was anything in the box, but the story under the green ribbon explained that it was filled with love. In it a young orphan boy explained that "You can't see what's in it.  And you can't touch it, but mother always said that it makes you feel good all the time, warm on a cold night and safe when you're alone."  Then he whispered softly, "And Mother always said it's best when you give it away."  Thanks to Rocky and Laurie for this special gift.
     Sisters young and old enjoyed a pot luck dinner featuring delicious food from around the world.  A lot of love was shared that night.

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