Monday, December 10, 2018

Ward Christmas Breakfast EXTRAORDINAIRE

                                By Cliff Kerr, Ward Historian
     As I began taking pictures of the early morning preparation for the Ward Christmas Breakfast, I was amazed at the smoothness with which the pancakes were being cooked,  the sausages and potatoes grilled, the eggs scrambled,  (all on outside grills) and then in the kitchen: bacon and sausage cut up, chocolate drink being mixed, all the while early cleaning was going on.
    It looked like a well-oiled machine organized by the Elders Quorum Presidency.  Men and boys were all doing their respective jobs.  Even before this, busy activity had commenced at 7 a.m. 100 potatoes, 25 dozen eggs, 150 lbs. of pancake mix, 200 sausages, over 200 packs of chocolate, tortilla shells, buttermilk pancake syrup, frozen strawberries, whipped cream, etc. were all purchased, prepared and served to hungry ward members and their friends.
   The brotherhood and sisterhood was palatable.  The Christmas story of Christ's birth was simply and beautifully presented in word and music. While everyone enjoyed hot chocolate, Santa made an appearance and visited with the children.  Overall, it was a great event.  Enjoy the pictures below.
(Remember to click on each collage to see it in a larger size.)
Top pictures:  George Tingey and Bruce Jonson are busy cooking pancakes.  Lower Left: David Banks, Shawna Banks, Joseph Stringer and Tyler Burton prepare scrambled eggs and bacon.  Center right: J.P. Tingey, Neil Anderson and Loren Perry fry sausages; Lower Right: Chene Mogler stirs hash browns made from baked potatoes.

It's all about the children.  They were everywhere.  They made it a point to always be first in line.
They had a wonderful time.

The Christmas story told through song and acting was appropriate and touching. The cute little sheep touched our hearts. The program was organized by Cori Daley.

Ann Kerr and Martha Farr pose before enjoying their breakfast burritos.  The man in the upper right is Peter Wang, a non-member friend who lives in the neighborhood of Don Daley, Tim Shull and Adam Sroufe. He works as a doctor of sports medicine at UOP. We were thrilled to have him come to the breakfast and observed him cooking, passing out music, and any other thing that needed attention. Lower right picture gives you an idea of the large attendance at the breakfast.

Oh, Come All Ye Faithful by Caden Webb

    Caden sang a beautiful rendition of this familiar Christmas hymn. You can watch part of it here: