Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Primary Children Go Caroling Sunday Morning

     Primary Music Leader Hillary Sroufe had a bright idea one day: THE PRIMARY CHILDREN NEED TO GO CAROLING!
     She was thinking that children didn't have many opportunities to sing Christmas songs, and they loved to sing them.  Why not sing for the adults in Priesthood and Relief Society?  She ran it by members of Ward Council so leaders would know.  The children who would be singing were the Senior Primary ages 8 to 11.
    Caroling began with a tap on the classroom door, then children marching in a line to the front, and singing began.  They started with "Christmas Bells" while ringing bells in their hands. (See picture.)  That was followed by "Away in a Manger" and "Silent Night."
     Sister Sroufe had been looking for a "service oriented" activity for the children, and this turned out to be perfect.  They brought much love and Christmas joy to the adults who heard their precious voices.

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