Friday, June 14, 2019

Seven Mokelumne River Teens Graduate from Seminary

L to R  Eddy Rosenbusch (MR,) William Stewart (MR,) Jackson VerSteeg (MR), Zach Crum (V), Bryant Neuvert (V,) Kedrin Farlee (MR,) Sister Teresa Sroufe, Molly Robison (MR,) (Brittany Mogler (MR,) Brooklyn Shull (MR,) Chloe VanNortwick (V,) McKenzie Campbell (V,) Ivana Juarez (HL,) Aylin Cortez Ojeda (HL)

     It takes a lot of work, and is a tremendous honor to graduate from seminary. The picture above is teacher Teresa Sroufe with all her senior students.  The ones from Mokelumne Ward are emphasized in bold.  Sister Sroufe had a comment to make about each of her amazing students from our ward.

Edmund Rosenbusch - One of the kindest young man I have ever met. He has a gift for service, compassion and respect. He worked very hard to complete his work and graduate from seminary. He would like to go on a mission soon.

William Stewart - William has a love for the gospel and a desire to share that with everyone. He always had great comments and a desire to learn from the Scriptures. He will be serving a mission soon.

Jackson VerSteeg - has received a call to the Brazil Belem mission and leaves in August. Jackson is very capable, trustworthy and will be a great missionary. His knowledge of the Scriptures, that he made an effort to study, will serve him well always! 
Kedrin Farlee - A very enthusiastic young man who you can count on to help others and has participated well. He will be an amazing missionary in the near future.

Molly Robison - This talented young lady will be attending BYU Provo in the fall. You can always count on her for an honest answer and to lend a hand to help me and others as needed. She is wonderful!

Brittany Mogler- this busy girl made sure that she made up every seminary day that she missed. She has great leadership skills and will be an asset in her sphere of influence at BYU Idaho and as an adult! 

Brooklynn Shull- this amazing young lady has met challenges, helps others freely and has been very busy in lots of activities through her high school career. She will be an awesome student at BYU Idaho and will help build the kingdom wherever she lands.

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