Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Pandemic Calls for More ZOOM Meetings!!

Picture here are three of the speakers via Zoom.  President Means is in his office at the Stake Center, top right is Lisa Clegg, bottom right is Ruth Anderson.  Other speakers were Brenda Crosier and Laura Cragun.
   On June 16 the Mokelumne Ward Relief Society sisters were treated to a 30 minute spiritual meeting put on by the stake RS presidency and President Means.  This came about through President Means who wanted to express his appreciation and love for everyone in the stake. He is aware of them and how challenging this time had been.  The meeting was previously preceded by a similar meeting held for the Priesthood.
    Other speakers were the stake RS presidency Ruth Anderson, Brenda Crosier, and Laura Cragun.     They covered three topics:
   1.  Ministering equals LOVE. We should pray for our sisters and get revelation to help them.
   2.  We will change during the pandemic and will come back as new members
   3.  Life doesn't play out as we planned, but we can still enjoy it and relish the Gospel
Our RS President Lisa Clegg also spoke and expressed her love for all the sisters in the ward.
  Fifteen ward members tuned in to the meeting.  One of them commented, "I was surprised how engaged I felt and how I was able to feel the spirit as I listened to each of our presidency."
Similar meetings were held in each of the other wards in the stake.

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