Sunday, November 22, 2020

COVID-19 Doesn't Stop Primary Children

   It's impossible to have a "normal" Primary sacrament meeting program when children would have to wear masks, stay six feet apart, and are not allowed to sing.  All of this didn't pose a problem for our creative primary presidency.  They decided to invite all children to participate in any way they desired.  Primary president Ginny Shull (left) said it was totally "free range." Children could sing, bear their testimony, play an instrument, give a talk--just about anything they wanted.  Some children were filmed by Sister Shull on her front steps, all the while she was wearing a mask.  Other children were filmed at home and parents sent their video to Sister Shull who compiled them all into a presentation.  The program has been saved and a link can be sent to grandparents and friends who would like to see talents and testimonies of our delightful children. 

Below are pictures of all the children who participated in the video program.

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