Sunday, May 9, 2021

Young Men Help Needy Pomegranate Farm

   It was hard work, but six Young Men and their leaders spent several hours picking up brush and hauling it out of a pomegranate orchard in the foothills. The brush was there as the result of  pruning the small trees by Cliff Kerr, Mark Wilcox and Mike Lewis. There is hope for harvesting some pomegranates this year from an orchard that has been neglected.

      After the work was finished, the young men  enjoyed donuts brought by youth leader Riley Broughten.  Other adult leaders working with the boys were Eric Fairbanks, Colby Holden, and Chene Mogler. Brother Kerr said he much appreciated their help and enjoyed getting to know them better, as well as having a great out-of-doors experience.


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