Monday, September 27, 2021

Relief Society Sisters Create Hygiene Kits


     As part of the National Day of Service on September 11, 2021, as a ward we came together in remembrance of those we lost on 9/11, and collected items to put together hygiene kits for the Ronald McDonald House Charity.  

    Generous members donated enough items to make 124 hygiene kits to give to the Sacramento chapter, who will then be able to give these kits to families who stay at the Ronald McDonald House.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Ward Birthday Bash/Carnival

    Mokelumne River Ward has a big birthday celebration every year in September.  This year was no exception and planning began months before. The party is known for it's excellent food. Food guru Cathy Leonard headed up the salad portion of the dinner.  She chose three delicious salads: Cowboy, Italian Pasta Primavera, and Classic Macaroni.   She bought the ingredients, cooked the macaroni and boiled eggs at home, then supervised a group of sisters for chopping , mixing, and packing the salads into little individual boxes.  See picture below.

Top row L to R:  Liz Sprowls, Lisa Holden, Betty McOmber, Joyce Dickerson, Ann Kerr
Bottom Row L to R: Jill Disch, Judy Wilcox, Suzanne Fairbanks, Cindie Parker, and Magalita Rosenbusch and her sister.

Casey Haynes (center, blue shirt) Elders Quorum President in the ward, is also the GO-TO man for delicious meat. Party goers had several things to choose from and all was cooked to perfection. Upper left corner is salad maker  Cathy Leonard enjoying the meal with her husband Travis.

   The carnival was enjoyed mostly by children and teens.  There were animals to pet, games to play, and lots of yummy prizes.
    Since the bash/carnival was held on September 11, the entry to the pavilion was lined with flags and everyone noted the occasion of the twin tower tragedy and the loss of lives.

Youth Excited About Temple Trip

   With the COVID pandemic going on for so long, youth temple trips were far and few between.  Thirteen teens from our ward were excited to be able to travel to the Oakland Temple (Sacramento was closed) and be baptized for 100 people who have died before being able to join the church. 

The group was accompanied by Tim and Genny Shull.


Sister Missionary Update

   Sisters Lund and Gonzalez pose together.  Sister Gonzalez was herself a new missionary for Mokelumne River ward just a month ago.  Now she is welcoming Sister Lund who is from Washington D.C.  and was recently serving in Stockton as a Spanish speaking trainer.  Before her mission she attended BYU-Provo  studying music and dance, and hopes to be accepted in one of BYU's traveling programs.  Unfortunately  (for us) she was only here for 12 days.
   Sister Gonzalez's new companion is Sister McLeod from Las Vegas, Nevada.  She has been in the mission field for seven months, and has a delightful personality.  Each gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting on September 12 and they were excellent.  We are blessed to have such amazing missionaries.

Relief Society Sisters Fill Goodie Bags for Foster Care "Graduates"

   Relief Society sisters gather at Ardell Gillingwater's front porch to fill bags to be given to 18-year-old kids who are just leaving the Foster Care program.  Lori Wick (center picture) is Executive Director of Mary Graham Children's Foundation and headed up the project.  She had bags that needed to be filled with items that the boys and girls would find helpful, and enjoyable as they venture out into the world. 

    Participating from Mokelumne River Ward are Lisa Clegg, Ruth Dadella, Betty McOmber, Tressa Spencer, Ardell Gillingwater and Ann Kerr.  The event was organized by Ardell who is the RS Service Coordinator.

Dean Flores Baptized

   Dean Flores, son of Erin Flores, was baptized August 28 with family participating in the service.  He was baptized by his Grandfather, Bill Griffitts, who lived many years in Lodi, but now resides in Auburn.  Dean was baptized in an aunt's swimming pool in Auburn.  His sister, Leah Belle, sang the primary song "I Will" accompanied by his uncle.

   His mother said Dean took the whole thing very seriously and feels "almost different, like a new kid. Dean is very loved at home."

Relief Society Sisters Donate to Shower Bus


Relief Society sisters donated clean socks and underwear to "Showered with Love Mobile Showers."  The project was initiated by Cathy Leonard (left) who is the stake Communications Director.  Suzanne Fairbanks (right) first councilor in the ward Relief Society, brought the baskets full of donations that had been collected.

   Mary Jarrard, Kelly Hanisch and Lori Behnke are three devoted volunteers who gave us a tour of the three showers inside a decorated bus.  There is also another shower with special features for the handicapped. The bus includes a hair dryer for winter months.
    The shower bus has provided over 5,000 showers since its inception. They call it "God's Bus, because he helped in every way to get it going," they said. 

   Ann Kerr interviews the "Showered With Love" staff and learned that the bus travels around Stockton and Lodi with a weekly schedule for stops. The stop in Lodi is at the Gravity Church on Central Ave. Those using the showers not only get clean clothes, but a towel, washcloth and sometimes shoes. Bags of supplies are given to each to use there, and take with them. (See picture on lower right in the above collage.)  Notice the colorful bus, decorated with scriptures. One of them is from Ezekiel 34:26:  I will make them and the places all around My hill a blessing; and I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing.
   LATE NEWS FLASH --The full time missionaries make 100 peanut and jelly sandwiches a month to supply the shower bus users with breakfast or lunch when they are hungry.  The supplies for the sandwiches come from the church and are delivered to the missionaries at the stake center where they make up the sandwiches.  Then they are picked up and saved to be used as needed during the month to bring a little light to hungry shower takers.