Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Sister Missionary Update

   Sisters Lund and Gonzalez pose together.  Sister Gonzalez was herself a new missionary for Mokelumne River ward just a month ago.  Now she is welcoming Sister Lund who is from Washington D.C.  and was recently serving in Stockton as a Spanish speaking trainer.  Before her mission she attended BYU-Provo  studying music and dance, and hopes to be accepted in one of BYU's traveling programs.  Unfortunately  (for us) she was only here for 12 days.
   Sister Gonzalez's new companion is Sister McLeod from Las Vegas, Nevada.  She has been in the mission field for seven months, and has a delightful personality.  Each gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting on September 12 and they were excellent.  We are blessed to have such amazing missionaries.

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