Friday, October 22, 2021

Advance Directive Class for RS Sisters

    Relief Society Sisters had an informative class taught by Linsey Bailey about planning for end-of-life preferences they should consider. Linsey is the granddaughter of Joyce Dickerson and is a regestered nurse at Lodi Memorial Hospital. At the same time she is working online on her Bacheler's Degree from Aspen University. Following are the things that were covered: 
     A Living will communicates your values and treatment preferences should you be unable to speak for yourself. Often addresses end-or-life medical treatments, but can also include wishes, values, and goals of care. 
     Power of Attorney/Health Care Proxy designates someone else to make all medical treatment decsions for you if you cannot make them ourself. 
     POLST (Physician's Orders for Life-Sustainng Treatment) is not intended to replace an Advance Directive, but rather complement it by ensuring consistency. When signed, this form is a legally valid physican order and must be followed by health care providers according to California Law. Linsey answered questions and emphasized that all topics should be discused with family, friends, doctors, and whoever may be involved in decision making.

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