Friday, January 21, 2022

Relief Society Sisters Learn How to Make Tamales

       Reyna Seifert and her sister Connie Bravo gave a lesson on tamale making in an evening Relief Society meeting.  It is reported that the sisters "had the best time!"  They learned how to make pork tamales and a Jack cheese with jalaperno tamale.  Both kinds proved to be delicious.  Reyna taught them the steps to preparing the masa with a few extra tips she learned from a friend.  She taught how she prepares the pork and how to make Chile sauce from dried California Chiles and pasilla chilies.  There was a demonstration  on how to make the tamale and fold it into parchment paper.  The sisters made about 70 tamales and steamed them on the stove.  While they were waiting Rayna answered a few more questions.  Every sister went home with a plate full of tamales to share with their families.  Thanks to Rayna and Connie for sharing their talents. It was a great evening.

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