Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Relief Society Sisters Put LOVE into Baskets

 "Gifts from the Heart" was the theme of an evening planned by activity coordinator Stacey Kadlacsik (bottom left) and her committee. It was to be an evening of service and friendship.

   There were three activities.  (1) With the idea of filling three baskets, sisters were asked to bring three of the same gifts to go in the baskets.  It could include a favorite quote, poem, scripture, note of encouragement, candle, lotion, soap, beauty product, socks, music, pre-wrapped food item, candy, treat, etc. (2) Each sister wrote a letter for a resident of a local nursing home or care facility.  (3) A game was played that helped sisters get to know each other better.

    Sister Kadlacsik noted that the Relief Society presidency delivered the baskets to three sisters in the ward who would appreciate a little lift. The letters were delivered by RS counselor Tammy Woods. The get-to know-you game was fun.  Each person was given a page with a few questions about themselves which they answered. The papers were read and sisters tried to guess who it was.

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