Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Young Men and Young Women Enjoy the Beach

      When the youth planned their activities for the year, one of them was to take a trip to the beach. They wanted to be together and have fun. Little did they know then that they would have a new bishop to get to know a little better.  Bishop Adam Sroufe was sustained as bishop the Sunday before the trip.  Along with his wife Hillary who is the ward young women leader, they were joined by stake president Scott Means and his wife Jill. Also making the trip were Luis Gonzalez, Winston Burke, Brenda Casper and Rylie Nore.  There were twenty-nine youth.

   The warm weather at RioDelMar Beach was perfect for swimming in the ocean.  Lots of splashing and fun.

       Playing games in the sand was enjoyed by all the youth, especially the young men.

    Talking and relaxing in the sun made for a perfect day.  After a day of fun the group went to Pizza My Heart to have pizza and get a T-shirt.  Sister Sroufe said it was a great activity for adults and youth alike and was a wonderful opportunity for the youth to get to know their new bishop. 


Adam Sroufe Called As Bishop of Mokelumne River Ward


Mokelumne River Ward new bishopric: L to R: Ben Carlston, 2nd Counselor; Adam Sroufe, Bishop; John Godi, 1st Counselor.

    Bishops are asked to serve for 5 years.  Bishop Eric Holden was called as the first bishop of the Mokelumne River Ward.  We recently had the ward's 5th birthday party, although at the time we didn't realize it would also be a farewell to our bishop.  Bishop Holden has been a wonderful bishop.  In a general conference talk in 2017 Elder Uchtdorf said, "We accept callings with grace, humility and gratitude.  When we are released from these callings, we accept the change with the same grace, humility and gratitude.  Our service--whether great or small--refines our spirits, opens the windows of heaven and releases God's blessings not only upon those we serve but upon us as well."  In his farewell remarks, Bishop Holden said, "It's bitter sweet, but it's been a blessing to serve this ward."

    God has blessed us with a new bishopric.  Adam Sroufe was called to be bishop.  In his remarks he said that he knows we are sons and daughters of God.  He has peace that Christ is with us and acknowledges our service with approval.  We are blessed with another amazing, but humble,  bishop.  Brother John Godi was called to be first counselor in the bishopric. In his remarks he said that he was excited for the opportunity to serve.  He is grateful for the blessings service gives us in this gospel.  Brother Ben Carlston is our new second counselor.  He said he knows  that the Lord loves all of us the same.  He wants us to love Him and do our best to serve Him.  Brother Carlston said he knows the gospel is true.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Coyle Brother and Sister Baptized Together

    Emma and her brother Eli had a joint baptism! Their parents said they had worked really hard to gain their own testimonies through lots of study and meetings with the sister missionaries.  "They received their answers in individual and unique ways and were very prepared to partake of the baptism covenant.  It was a very special, very spiritual baptism service," they said. The cute picture on the left was on the cover of their baptism program.  The sister missionaries are shown in the picture on the right with the children and their father Chris Coyle who baptized them


Amari Moreau Baptized

    Berny Moreau had the privilege and opportunity of baptizing his son Amari. It was lovely for Amari to start on the covenant path. Ward and family members (including his grandparents from Haiti) were there to support hm. 

Ward Members Participate In 9-11 Day of Service

September 11 is a day of remembrance and service.  Under the direction of Cathy Leonard (a member of our ward who serves as Stake Communications Director), adults and youth from the Lodi wards and branch gathered together to serve the Lodi Community.  Mokelumne River Ward was highly represented in the project.

   Ninety-eight  bags of groceries, laundry detergent, dish soap and home essentials were prepared for the LOEL Center in Lodi who delivers "Meals on Wheels" to their clients.  Young youth emptied products from delivery boxes and others bagged them, putting the liquids in plastic bags.  

 Another project enjoyed by the youth was making 240 peanut butter sandwiches to be delivered to "Showered with Love," a group who provides showers and food to the homeless.

    Our sister missionaries (left) are always involved in service activities and are shown here giving sandwiches to Connie Anderson and her husband from Showered with Love.  Pictures on the right show adults who delivered the goods to the LOEL Center for their distribution.