Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Young Men and Young Women Enjoy the Beach

      When the youth planned their activities for the year, one of them was to take a trip to the beach. They wanted to be together and have fun. Little did they know then that they would have a new bishop to get to know a little better.  Bishop Adam Sroufe was sustained as bishop the Sunday before the trip.  Along with his wife Hillary who is the ward young women leader, they were joined by stake president Scott Means and his wife Jill. Also making the trip were Luis Gonzalez, Winston Burke, Brenda Casper and Rylie Nore.  There were twenty-nine youth.

   The warm weather at RioDelMar Beach was perfect for swimming in the ocean.  Lots of splashing and fun.

       Playing games in the sand was enjoyed by all the youth, especially the young men.

    Talking and relaxing in the sun made for a perfect day.  After a day of fun the group went to Pizza My Heart to have pizza and get a T-shirt.  Sister Sroufe said it was a great activity for adults and youth alike and was a wonderful opportunity for the youth to get to know their new bishop. 


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