Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Mokelumne River Ward Members Help Stock Giving Machine


   For the last few years the church has been operating "Giving Machines" in various places. Anyone who wants to donate towards an item shown in the machine can do so with a credit card.  The machine is stocked with cards that represent things like clothes, meals, bicycles and other items.  All of the things bought will be given to charities and those in need.  There are only two machines in California and one of them is in Roseville. Lodi Stake is one of the stakes involved.  Mokelumne River Ward members participating in the stocking were John and Karen Robinson and their daughter Natalie on the left.  On the right are President Scott Means, his wife Jill, and their daughter Natalie, as well as Cathy and Travis Leonard.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

A New Sister Missionary Joins Us!

        Sister Dunn on the left is the new companion for Sister Mills.  Her last assignment was in Stockton. She hails from Bountiful Utah, and has spent a year studying at BYU Provo before beginning her mission. She said she came on a mission to get closer to Jesus Christ and get to know Him. She has a delightful personality and we welcome her to our ward.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

A Special Photo Event for Families of Primary Age Children


   There's no temple lesson more valuable than one taught at an actual temple -- and remembering that experience with a photograph will bring back the importance of that experience. On November 5  a primary activity was held on the grounds of the Sacramento Temple. Families with primary age children were invited to come and be together where photographer Ben Carlston (also a counselor in the bishopric) would take their picture.  Above are two examples of the twelve families who participated in this event.  These are pictures that will be treasured for a lifetime. 

       Primary secretary Teresa Sroufe helped the children make a frame for their picture and enjoy a white donut as a treat. They received the pictures the next day at primary.

      The real treat was the message Brother and Sister Wilcox gave.  They are temple ordinance workers and had the opportunity to share their thoughts and testimonies of the temple.  Brother Wilcox encouraged the children to help gather Israel by encouraging their parents to come to the temple often.  As he spoke he felt a great love for the children and their parents. He said, "God loves you and I know that the Holy Ghost carries that message to the hearts of many, perhaps all."  He said it was a message  he can't  describe, but "It fills my soul.  I now know," he said.
   Sister Wilcox taught that God loves all his children and wants us all to return to live with Him. She said, "To do that we need to make and keep covenants with Him.  Our first covenant of baptism starts us on the path.  We promised to obey and always remember Jesus. Heavenly Father promises to send the Holy Ghost to guide us.  In the temple those same covenants can be made by us for our deceased ancestors who did not have the chance in this life to make them.  Also in the temple we make additional covenants with Heavenly Father.  He promises us blessings for each covenant.  The highest blessing is that we can be together forever as families as we live the gospel and keep our part of the covenant." 
  Brother and Sister Wilcox both said "The temple is God's house.  His presence is felt there, and He directs the service performed there.  It was a special experience to be able to share this with the children and their families."
   This activity was an effort to strengthen children's faith and desire to be in the temple.  What was said or done may not be remembered very long, but we hope that they will remember the feelings they had while on the temple grounds.


Monday, November 7, 2022

Kenzie Alysa Kidd--A Beautiful New Baby

             Kaitlyn and Austin Kidd welcomed their daughter Kenzie into their home July 28th, 2022. She weighed 9 lb. 6 oz. and was 20 inches long. Austin gave her a beautiful blessing during sacrament meeting November 6, 2022. She never made one sound during the meeting--just smiled as her parents introduced her to the members. Since the beginning of this blog five years ago, Kaitlyn and Austin have been featured on the masthead.  Austin Baptized Kaitlyn in the Mokelumne River in 2010.  It is such a joy to see the family growing and progressing. 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

We Say Goodbye to Mary Ellen Meyers

Mary Ellen Meyers returned to her heavenly home October 20, 2022 a few weeks shy of her 81st  birthday. She was a beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and a friend to all, a giver of smiles and joy to others as a representative of Jesus Christ and a member of the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Her days were spent in gospel study and kind service to fellow saints and neighbors. Her funeral was held November 2 conducted by Stake President Counselor Dan Sroufe who is a member of Mokelumne River Ward.

   The pictures on the right above were taken in 2016 when Mary Ellen was recovering from a long hospital stay. She enjoys a PowerPoint RS lesson with Ann Kerr and a friend. Suzanne Fairbanks and her daughter visited Mary Ellen with gifts of flowers and magazines.

    As mentioned before, Mary Ellen was always smiling.  In the picture on the left she was visited in the hospital in Sacramento just before her death by her ministering couple Loren and Jackie Perry.  Brother Perry gave her a priesthood blessing that she would be comforted and without pain. He also spoke at her funeral, teaching about the plan of salvation that is a blessing to all righteous followers of Christ. Her grandson Adam Meyers wrote this about her:  "Because of you, I know my Savior Jesus Christ better because you always strived to be like Him.  You are as celestial as they come.  Now rest easy and watch over us until we meet again."  We will miss her!