Thursday, November 3, 2022

We Say Goodbye to Mary Ellen Meyers

Mary Ellen Meyers returned to her heavenly home October 20, 2022 a few weeks shy of her 81st  birthday. She was a beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and a friend to all, a giver of smiles and joy to others as a representative of Jesus Christ and a member of the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Her days were spent in gospel study and kind service to fellow saints and neighbors. Her funeral was held November 2 conducted by Stake President Counselor Dan Sroufe who is a member of Mokelumne River Ward.

   The pictures on the right above were taken in 2016 when Mary Ellen was recovering from a long hospital stay. She enjoys a PowerPoint RS lesson with Ann Kerr and a friend. Suzanne Fairbanks and her daughter visited Mary Ellen with gifts of flowers and magazines.

    As mentioned before, Mary Ellen was always smiling.  In the picture on the left she was visited in the hospital in Sacramento just before her death by her ministering couple Loren and Jackie Perry.  Brother Perry gave her a priesthood blessing that she would be comforted and without pain. He also spoke at her funeral, teaching about the plan of salvation that is a blessing to all righteous followers of Christ. Her grandson Adam Meyers wrote this about her:  "Because of you, I know my Savior Jesus Christ better because you always strived to be like Him.  You are as celestial as they come.  Now rest easy and watch over us until we meet again."  We will miss her!

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