Sunday, October 30, 2022

Ward Halloween Party Was A Blast!

    The Halloween party has been a wonderful tradition since the beginning of Mokelumne River Ward.  It's a fun get together. Families decorate their cars for "trunk or treat."  Members donate candy to be used for the event. The children have an amazing time trick or treating in a safe place. And they don't just collect candy--many of the cars have games to play and a fun time to be had.  The above pictures are just a few of the decorations and excitement of the evening.

   Almost everyone was involved. Is that Bishop Sroufe and his wife Hillary on the right?  And to their left is Dan Sroufe who is a counselor in the stake presidency.  The skeletons serving fruit and vegetables instead of candy are Ruth Anderson, Stake RS President, and her husband Neil. (Their daughter Aubrey was at the same location sending candy down a long tube to the waiting hands of children!) Then we have Janet Cook at Jurassic park and ward clerk Cody Nore  serving chili and cornbread to hungry children as well as adults.  Hot dogs and drinks were also served at another location.
  Adults as well as children got creative with their costumes. The Sister Missionaries don't have much to choose from in Halloween gear so they got creative and came as Brother Missionaries.  They were quite proud of their presentation too!  The whole event was a lot of fun and a bonding of the ward as we got to know each other better.

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