Sunday, October 23, 2022

Youth Learn Gun Safety

   The ward's youth participated in a shooting activity supervised by Brother Eric Holden and Brother Terry Renberg (San Andreas Ward.)  This was a wonderful opportunity to learn about gun safely and handling, as well as have an opportunity to try out new skills by shooting targets.  One of our young men, Carson Burke, had superior skills when target shooting.  Sheriff Renberg said to Carson, "Wow you're our first person to hit the target 100%, 10 out of 10 times.  Carson shrugged, smiled, and said, "Well, I've been shooting Nerf guns my whole life!"

    As a whole, those youth who participated had a fantastic and educational time. We thank Brother Renberg and Holden for sharing their time, patience and expertise with our youth.  We greatly appreciate it!  (Reported by Cori Daley, Young Women Secretary.)

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