Sunday, October 30, 2022

Megan Caldwell Joins the Church

   Megan Caldwell, daughter of Dave and Ginna Caldwell, was taught by these three wonderful missionaries and joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on October 29.  She was first taught by Sister Tolman on the right, who was then transferred to another location.  Sisters Black and Miller finished the lessons.  Three very devoted and happy missionaries!
   Megan was baptized by Elder Cioffe and confirmed by Elder White, local missionaries who hold the priesthood.  Sister Tolman gave a talk on the Holy Ghost during the program. Branda Croiser of Canyon Creek Ward gave a wonderful talk on baptism.  Relief Society president Julie Cooper welcomed Megan into the ward.

   Special family members (both of her grandmothers, Gaye Cornell and Rita Caldwell) at the baptism. (picture on the left.)  In the picture on the right Megan is posing with her parents Dave and Ginna Caldwell.


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