Monday, February 27, 2023

Relief Society Sisters Have Gardening Lesson

     Gardening specialist David Gillingwater teaches classes each year with instructions on how to have a successful garden that will produce healthy food for families to enjoy and add to their food storage for the year.  He spent an evening this year with the Relief Society sisters, giving them additional information on how to get a good foundation in gardening.

    Dave displayed a monthly calendar of what should be done in the garden each month, talked about soil types and demonstrated ways to start seeds indoors using a milk jug or mini hoop house. The picture on the left shows the milk jug with tomato starts inside. On the right is his hoop house (the bag that covers it is pulled back to show the inside) with garlic starts getting ready to be planted in the garden.

   Each person in the class could then fill a styrofoam cup or milk jug with potting soil and plant seeds or garlic starts to bring home and put in a sunny window. The RS sisters thanked Dave for a great class!

                               Three weeks later: 

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