Friday, December 22, 2023

Christmas Breakfast Celebration Features Primary Children

   Over the years. Mokelumne River Ward has celebrated every other year with a Christmas breakfast.
  There was a large attendance at the breakfast and food and friendships were enjoyed by all.

    But the main part of the activity was to celebrate the birth of Christ, and this was done in a delightful way.

  The primary children acted out the story, as the audience sang a five verse song.  This is what they portrayed on each verse:
1.Tell the truth of Jesus' birth.  When as a baby, he came to the earth.
2. This is the new star, shinning so bright, lighting the world on that first Christmas night.
This is the angel proclaiming the birth, Singing "Hosanna!" and "Peace on Earth."
3.This is the stable, shelter so bare; Cattle and oxen first welcomed him there.
This is the manger, wet hay for a bed.  Waiting for Jesus to cradle his head.
4. These are the shepherds, humble and mild, Hast'ning to worship the heavenly child.
These are the wise men who followed the star, Frankincense, gold, and myrrh brought from afar.
5. See the sweet mother, Mary so fair, Joseph who guided the donkey with care.
See the dear baby of Bethlehem, Little Lord Jesus, the Savior of men.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

We Are Blessed With Two New Sister Missionaries

   On the right is Sister Smith who has been with us for a few months.  Recently we got a wonderful new missionary, Sister Finch on the  left. She is from Oklahoma and put in a year at Southern Utah University on a scholarship. She has been on her mission for five and a half months.  She is lively and has a good relationship with people.  Coming one week later is Sister Richens in the middle, who came from a small town near Vernal Utah. This is her first assignment. She has a brother on a mission in South Carolina and his experiences made her want to serve a mission. After her mission she plans to attend college and major in nursing.  She has a positive outlook and says she only hears good things, and experiences good things. We are so fortunate to have these three wonderful missionaries with us.

Relief Society Has A "Giving" Auction

      The Relief Society held a giving auction under the skillful leadership of auctioneer Fred Fairbanks.  Starting with an envelope of paper cash, sisters raised their paddles to bid against each other to take home the item or service they really wanted in their life.  Donations ranged from meals, to cleaning, to organizing, to photo shoots, to gift wrapping.  It was a lively evening of bidding and laughter.

      Andrea Mogler and Breanne Congrave  had successful bids for a "Seasonal Produce Box." They had to wait a week until the Kerrs got back from a trip to Branson so the boxes could be put together from garden fruits and vegetables.  

Monday, November 6, 2023

Synceres Vonlamont Baptized

   Synceres Vonlamont was baptized November 4 by Brother Trent Simmons and confirmed by Bishop Adam Sroufe. He is pictured here with his mom, Sister Neisha Jackson and his little sister Ryin. 

   When his mother was baptized September 14, Synceres expressed to the Sister missionaries that he was interested in baptism. They were happy to hear that.  They were able to give him a baptismal date on his first lesson.  They said, "He was very repetitive to all we had to say and he was very eager to be baptized!"  Welcome Synceres!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Primary Children Bring Joy to Care Facility Patients

   On October 26 a group of the primary children visited Arbor Care Facility.  The children dressed in their Halloween costumes and paraded through the facility, saying "Hi" to all the patients there.  Then they gathered in the activity room where the children said their names and what their costume was.  All of the residents there were very excited to see the little children.  They had little bags of trick-or-treat candy, and the children were more than able to trick-or-treat each room.  A lot of smiles were seen.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Young Men Work to Create Two "Little Free Libraries"

     The Young Men above show off the two Little Free Libraries created by all of the Young Men--from Deacons and Teachers to Priests.  A Little Free Library is a "take a book, share a book" exchange.  Anyone may take a book or bring a book to share. Both libraries were installed in areas of the ward that didn't previously have a Little Free Library. These book exchanges have a unique personal touch. There is an understanding that real people are sharing their favorite books with their community, and thus they have been called "mini-town squares."
    How did the little houses get filled with books when first finished?  Sherrill and Ken Adamska have one by their house. They and their daughters and friends put in the first books. Then neighbors began to take books, and put books in.  Sherrill said that in the first two weeks there was a great turnover. Bike riders stopped by to see what was going on. People were commenting on what a wonderful thing it was.

   Now about the building of the libraries. Through the year over 100 service hours went into the planning, construction, and installation of these two libraries.  In addition to the young men leaders, Arnell Clegg (Elders Quorum Activity Coordinator) played an instrumental part in the development of the libraries.  They had no kits, but built everything from scratch.  First they had to make a design, and then work with raw materials. Brother Clegg  taught them skills that once learned will help them for the rest of their lives. Brother Clegg did the harder tasks, but the boys learned to use tools safely without being hurt. Some of the things they learned were how to use measuring tapes, levels, power staplers, and drills. They learned how to put a roof on and seal it. Then the houses had to be painted. During the several months of this project the young men enjoyed working together and were excited and proud of the finished project.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Yearly Halloween Party Never Fails to Delight!

   We wanted the children and families to have a safe Halloween, but also filled with the the traditional things that kids like to do.  "Trunk or Treat" was created to have the Halloween goodies in the back of  decorated car trunks, so children could go from car to car to have an amazing experience, as well as get some goodies for their bags.  All of the trunks were made by volunteers who wanted to participate.  Candy was supplied by collections made before the event. There was no thing left undone.

   There was also music and food.  Brother Clegg helped his daughter Leanna learn to play music for all to hear.  She was doing a good job. (upper right pix)  Mark and Vickie Kidd (upper left) were preparing the hot dogs and they were certainly enjoyed as you can see from the pictures.   Cori Daley made the popular popcorn.  She was very busy, but the photographer caught her husband giving her a kiss on her forehead to show his appreciation.. (lower right)

       All of the children, teenagers, and adults had a great time, and the joy of working and socializing with one another was meaningful to all.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Lodi Invited to Modesto CA Temple Groundbreaking

  There was great excitement about the news that a temple would be built in Modesto.  There is a possibility that Lodi will be a part of the temple district.  The groundbreaking on Oct. 7 was limited only to those who had a ticket to get in. Never-the-less there was still a large group of people who attended. The picture on the lower right was taken when about half the audience had arrived. (See more chairs in the background.)

     Our stake president (and ward member) Scott Means and his wife Jill and daughter Natallie were in attendance and sat in the reserved first four rows. President Means and Jill were able to participate in the groundbreaking. (On the far right in the above bottom picture.)
    Before the groundbreaking there were wonderful talks by Corbin Curran from Lodi, as well as Addison Castleton and Jerry Callister from Merced. An excellent talk was then given by Sue Zwahlen who is the Modesto City Mayor. There were many invited people there who were important people in Modesto, but not members of the church. She was surely teaching them about temples. She invited them to "Please come often to the temple grounds and feel the peaceful surroundings.  The same guiding, peaceful principles we feel in our homes and the temple will improve our communities."
Following the talks the Modesto Primary Choir sang "I Love to See the Temple" and "High on a Mountain Top."  They did an amazing and wonderful job.  

    Then Elder Gary B. Sabin of the Seventy, who was there with his wife, gave some remarks and a beautiful dedicatory prayer. In his remarks he said: "We are reminded that temples bring us closer to Christ, and when we come closer to Christ, we are more joyful."  
   He prayed that the new house of the Lord "will stand as a beacon of light and hope and a witness of the reality and divinity of Thy Beloved Son and the eternal nature of  the soul and the divine potential of Thy children." 

      A special thing about the event was the opportunity to meet former Lodi friends who now live near Modesto.  President Means and Cliff  Kerr had a great discussion with Bobby Boice who lived in our ward as a teenager and his father was a previous stake president in Modesto.  In the upper right picture with Cliff and Ann Kerr are Drew Kraude and his wife.  Drew was a teenager living in Lodi and played basketball with Doug Kerr, Seth Hoyt, Bobbie Boice, Vince Koeppel, and others.
   Drew told a fascinating story about how he left college short of three classes because his business was doing well and he wanted to continue work. One day he just had a feeling he needed to finish those three classes and get a degree. That's where Pathway came to the rescue.  He finished the three classes and and graduated with a degree. Just recently because of his degree and experience he had the opportunity to become Project Manger for the Modesto Temple. He will now oversee the building of the temple and after it is completed he will have an office in the temple to continue to manage the operations of the temple.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Rodneisha Jackson Baptized

  Left to right: Sister Smith, Sister Cyr, Neisha and her daughter Ryin, Sister Harris, Trent Simmons. 

    A special baptism was held Sept. 14 for Rodneisha (Neisha) Jackson who has been taught by our three sister missionaries.  Neisha was first taught the gospel by missionaries two years ago here in Lodi. When the sister missionaries met her she was definitely ready to be taught more. They have been teaching her for five months.  She was baptized by Trent Simmons, who with his wife were ward missionaries, and brought Neisha to church every Sunday. Brother Chris Boyer confirmed her a member of the church.

   Neisha's mother was there, as well as her four year old daughter, Ryin, and an older son, Synceres.  The sister missionaries together gave a delightful story about Jesus and His baptism, how He received the Holy Ghost, and how Neisha can live a life centered on Jesus Christ. Bishop Adam Sroufe  welcomed her into the ward, and Kari Fairbanks welcomed her into Relief Society.  Bishop Sroufe said "It was a wonderful spiritual experience to witness!"  We welcome Neisha and Ryin into the ward. 


Monday, September 4, 2023

Ward Quarterly Event Features Delicious Tacos!


      Old and young alike could have a perfect taco because they got to select the good things to put in it. Neil Anderson barbecued all the meat for the event.  Reyna Siefert made the rice and beans. We were so excited that she was able to bless us with her talented cooking. Relief Society sisters furnished the lettuce.

      Bishop Sroufe asked Sister Mogler to bring a spiritual element to the evening. Andrew Banks had the idea for bingo and was her helper for numbers. Sister Mogler accomplished the spiritual aspect with names of five bingo games: (Straight & Narrow Path, Ten Commandments, 12 Tribes of Israel, Nephi's Courage, and Book of Mormon Blackout.) LDS trivia was included on the game sheets.


Thursday, August 31, 2023

We Have THREE Sister Missionaries

      Sister Elena Smith (center) joined our two wonderful missionaries (Sister Cyr on left and Sister Harris on right.)  She has just arrived from Draper, Utah and this is her first assignment.  Before being called, she attended BYU-Idaho for two years. She has an older sister and two younger brothers. In high school she was on the swimming team. She also enjoyed singing and playing the piano. While at college she was thinking about a mission and said "no" to herself for six months.  "Then the Lord said 'Yes'."  She had a wonderful experience at the MTC in a group of 8 elders and 4 sisters.  They were known as the "MCT Twelve--The Most Amazing Missionaries on the Planet!"  She misses them but is excited about working in California.  After her mission she has plans to study to become a midwife. 


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Discovering the Beautiful Feather River Temple


This new temple is in Yuba City just a little bit north of us.  We were invited to their open house which included a video and a walk-through tour of the temple, which is just as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside.  Several families chose to go and take their children.  Here are a few of them and a report of their experience.

   On the left is Ann and Cliff Kerr. Their daughter Alison and her family live in the temple district.
   The right picture is Bishop  Adam Sroufe and his family, as well as the Cody Nore family.
Within the temple we have the opportunity to make sacred promises with God in special ceremonies like marriage where a husband and wife and their children can be sealed together for all time and eternity. 
On the left is Travis and Cathy Leonard who took Priscilla Quarnstrom with them to visit the temple. 

Middle is Christopher and BrieAnn Congrave and their children.

Right is Erin Flores and family.

In the temple we can access the power of Godliness.  God has made these blessings available to all of His children.

     The grounds of the temple were not only beautiful, but had a lot of meaning.  Large olive trees were plentiful in the design. Many olive trees can be found in this area and are a livelihood for farmers here.  But the first thing that crosses your mind when entering the grounds is that it looks like a place  where Jesus lived and taught when He was on earth. There were also beautiful flowers.

    Benches were placed throughout the grounds, giving visitors a place to sit and contemplate, or to share thoughts with their family and friends.

    Before entering the temple visitors where directed to a stake center next to the temple. In a large room half the size of a cultural hall and surrounded with large beautiful pictures, families were treated with a video that talked about the church and the purpose of temples. Visitors were then led to the front of the temple where young women members placed booties on their feet to protect the floors in the temple.
  Bishop Sroufe made this comment about the experience:  "One of the highlights for me was showing our primary age children the baptistry and talking to them about what happens there, and setting a goal for when they are older.  We were also able to show all our children the rooms where the initiatory, endowment, and sealing ordinances take place and bear brief testimony to our kids about covenants and how they are necessary to find them more directly to Jesus Christ.  What a blessing!"

     Tim and Genevieve Shull visited the temple with their five children. This is their report:  Although the children have been on temple grounds before, most of them had never been inside of one.
     We talked with them beforehand about what a temple is, what types of special ordinances are performed there, and our daughter Emma talked to her younger sisters about doing baptisms for the dead.
   The temple was beautiful!  We felt the spirit as we walked the grounds and explored the different rooms.  We noticed the large amount of beautiful paintings and artwork depicting Christ and His teachings.  We sat in the celestial room for a bit and recognized the peace and reverence felt there.  
   On the drive home we discussed our favorite parts of the temple.  Here are some of the kid's thoughts:
Emma (14) "I liked the Celestial room.  It was cool to walk through the entire temple because I have never done that before.
Julianne (7)  "I loved seeing the baptismal font and the golden oxen holding it up.  I wanted to get in."
Allison (5) "I loved the Angel Moroni and the cows around the baptismal font.  It felt peaceful.
Maddie (3) "I loved the windows. (stained glass)  It felt different inside.