Tuesday, November 28, 2023

We Are Blessed With Two New Sister Missionaries

   On the right is Sister Smith who has been with us for a few months.  Recently we got a wonderful new missionary, Sister Finch on the  left. She is from Oklahoma and put in a year at Southern Utah University on a scholarship. She has been on her mission for five and a half months.  She is lively and has a good relationship with people.  Coming one week later is Sister Richens in the middle, who came from a small town near Vernal Utah. This is her first assignment. She has a brother on a mission in South Carolina and his experiences made her want to serve a mission. After her mission she plans to attend college and major in nursing.  She has a positive outlook and says she only hears good things, and experiences good things. We are so fortunate to have these three wonderful missionaries with us.

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