Friday, November 3, 2023

Yearly Halloween Party Never Fails to Delight!

   We wanted the children and families to have a safe Halloween, but also filled with the the traditional things that kids like to do.  "Trunk or Treat" was created to have the Halloween goodies in the back of  decorated car trunks, so children could go from car to car to have an amazing experience, as well as get some goodies for their bags.  All of the trunks were made by volunteers who wanted to participate.  Candy was supplied by collections made before the event. There was no thing left undone.

   There was also music and food.  Brother Clegg helped his daughter Leanna learn to play music for all to hear.  She was doing a good job. (upper right pix)  Mark and Vickie Kidd (upper left) were preparing the hot dogs and they were certainly enjoyed as you can see from the pictures.   Cori Daley made the popular popcorn.  She was very busy, but the photographer caught her husband giving her a kiss on her forehead to show his appreciation.. (lower right)

       All of the children, teenagers, and adults had a great time, and the joy of working and socializing with one another was meaningful to all.

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