Saturday, March 31, 2018

Elder Trevor Woods Mission Update

    Before Sister Mikayla Kidd left on her mission in  January,  Elder Trevor Woods was the only missionary in the field from Mokelumne River Ward.   He is the son of Sister Tami Woods and began his mission leaving from Lodi Third Ward and is serving in the Idaho, Idaho Falls mission. 
 While preparing for a mission Trevor often went with the Lodi  missionaries when they visited and gave discussions to prospective members.  He is a skilled singer and guitarist and used his talents to bless others.
Elder Woods, left, enjoys teaching discussions  with his companion in Idaho.
      Now he is also using technology.  He has the ability to teach using Skype, and can even go outside his mission with permission from his President.  Elder Woods says, "Missionary work is truly the Lord's work.  I love this gospel and I know this is God's church on this earth.  He leads and guides this work. I'm striving on my mission to be exactly obedient, work hard and have fun.  My testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ has grown.
    "The gospel changes everyone's life and will help everyone to progress.  I love being a missionary!"
     Elder Woods' mother Tami said this of him:  "Trevor's mission has provided so many opportunities to grow.  I think he has developed personally more in the year he has been on his mission than the 20+ years he spent with me.  The mission provides so many leadership opportunities and he has grown into a great leader.  The shy little boy from primary who couldn't give talks is now speaking in multiple wards on any given Sunday and is leading and training his fellow missionaries.  He is thriving on his mission and is happy living and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

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