Monday, March 26, 2018

Welcome to new member Robert Stanley

   Brother Robert Stanley was baptized March 24, 2018 by ward mission leader Brad Parker, and confirmed a member of the church the next day in Sacrament Meeting. Special guests at the baptism were his parents and a brother.
L to R:  Sister missionaries Sis. Lau and Sis Shafter
 Robert Stanley, Elder Yazzie, Elder Morley
    Robert first encountered the sister missionaries near Christmas time.  He works across the street from their apartment as an IT (Internet technology) specialist. They talked, shared Christmas cards, and he visited where he learned more about the church and asked to be visited by missionaries.  He was referred to the Elders who taught him, and he has attended church every Sunday since then.
    He has a testimony of the Gospel, and a great personality.  Mukelumne River Ward members welcome him.

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