Thursday, July 12, 2018

Evan Webb Called to Serve Mission in Bolivia

    Evan Webb, son of Brad and Bronwyn Webb, has been called to serve in the Bolivia Santa Cruz North Mission and will enter the Mexico City MTC August 28.

Deciding to Serve a Mission
    With his ability to play high level baseball, and a high 4.0 GPA, Evan was planning to  go to a highly ranked school in Southern California.  The coaches there loved him and he committed to play, but was denied by the admissions office at the extremely competitive school.  "I was really distraught," Evan said.  "I didn't understand why, so I started praying about what the Lord wanted me to do."
   At that moment the story of Alma came into his mind--how Alma did a complete turnaround to become a rock solid missionary and eventually a prophet.  He realized how his focus on baseball had gotten him off track. "I had forgotten how important the Gospel was," he recalled.  "All of the truths came flooding into my mind."
   Seminary has impressed upon him that he needed to study the Gospel every day.  "I took the challenge to do this.  The Lord had already told me I wasn't going to play ball, so I really started to study, which changed my life.

Receiving the Call
Evan's twin sister Alysa gives  him a hug after learning he will be serving in Bolivia.
    With four hours notice, Evan's family set up an 'opening the call' party at the church. "When I opened the letter and read it, there was complete silence.  Everybody!  The spirit was in the room.  It can't be loud and have the spirit there at the same time.  The spirit was testifying to everyone that this is what I should be doing at this time."

Working with the Elders in Lodi
           Evan has been going out and working with the Elders assigned to serve in Lodi and says he has had great training from them.  "They are incredible and teach me so much."  Because of this, Evan feels very prepared to serve a mission.  He has also gotten help from his dad, Brad Webb, who served a mission and has shared his experiences, as well as the Priesthood power that he felt and the blessings received for standing up against the adversary.

The Temple Endowment
Left: Webb family: Caden, Brad, Bronwyn, Evan and Alysa.
 Right: Evan with bishopric counselors Tyler Burton and Joseph Stringer.
   Evan's dad was his escort when he went through the Sacramento Temple for the first time.  "I was an emotional wreck," he said. "To enter into the Lord's presence is impossible for natural man to do.    The only reason we're here is because of the Savior.  The Savior revealed to a prophet and showed him what needed to be said, and the associated covenants.  I got super emotional about my dependence on  the Savior, and me as a person, and the people I will be teaching, and the Church in general."

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