Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Three Ward Members "Graduate" from Earth Life

   As announced in church Sunday, ward member Peg Thawley recently died and had a private service.  Ralph McDonald who was a ward clerk in Lodi Third Ward for many years also recently passed way.  He did not have a funeral.  Joyce Dickerson laid her husband Bruce to rest July 23 with a beautiful funeral service in the Stake Center chapel.
  Long time friends participated in the service.  Loren Perry gave the eulogy; Dave Gillingwater read remarks written by Joyce; Daughter Linda Huffman told family stories, and Bryant Bogren gave a beautiful spiritual message which included the plan of salvation.  A group of sisters sang "Abide With Me."
  At the request of Joyce, Linda Parker played Bruce's favorite piece of music, "Moonlight Sonata" as part of the prelude music.  There were many comments about the beauty and significance of her tender piano performance.

The Dickerson family poses for a picture before the grave dedication by Joseph Stringer, Second Counselor in the Mokelumne River Ward Bishopric.
Liz Sprowls (left), Judy Wilcox (center) are two of a group of Relief Society sisters who prepared and served a delicious luncheon for family and friends after the services.

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