Saturday, October 13, 2018

Elder Evan Webb "Finally" Leaves on Mission

Elder Webb posing in front of the Sacramento Temple with a Bolivian flag.
Elder Webb leaves from the Sacramento Airport to fly to Salt Lake City.
   Evan Webb was called to serve in the Bolivia Santa Cruz North Mission and scheduled to leave on August 28, going directly to the MTC in Mexico City.  That all came to a halt when he was injured in a baseball game, suffering a PTL fracture and damaging the ligament in one leg.  He has been working hard to repair those issues and was scheduled to leave October 10, but his visa was not ready and so he is in the Provo, Utah MTC until his visa comes through.
   Soon after arriving at the MTC  he was called to be to be a district leader. This means he will serve as a leader for ten other Elders in his district.  He said, "I have been asked to direct the work of language study, spiritual edification, and to also make sure all who are with me are physically and mentally well."
  Doctors say his stretched ligament can possibly stretch again, so he was required to take a leg brace with him in case he needed to use it while serving in Bolivia.
Elder Webb (center front) with the district he is charged with overseeing in the Provo MTC.

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