Saturday, October 13, 2018

Meet Our Sister Missionaries

Sister White, left, is from Mansfield, Texas (between Dalles and Forth Worth.)  Sister Simpson, right is from SLC.
     We welcome sister missionaries to our ward. They said their purpose for being on missions is to do whatever the spirit directs, and to bring people to Christ. Their mission president has instructed all missionaries in the Sacramento Mission to get out of their cars and talk to anyone.
   Sister White was given a blessing by her father that she should know immediately if she should serve a mission.  She woke up three times that night with the spirit telling her she should go on a mission. "The mission has opened my eyes to being involved with people," she said.  "I'm not nervous anymore.  I accept people for how they are."
   Sister Simpson's older brother and sister served missions, but she had never wanted to go.  She once received a text from her sister telling her she should think about a mission. She re-read her Patriarchal Blessing, and prayed, then had the answer that she should serve.  "I haven't regretted it," she said, "even for a day!" She says she has gone from being quiet,  to being able to have a conversation  about the Gospel.

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