Monday, April 22, 2019

Activity Day Girls Visit the Farm

     It's always fun to visit the Cliff Kerr garden on Lucas Rd. and learn how vegetables and fruit are grown. The Mokelumne River Ward Activity Day Girls started with a service project of piling up pruned branches from the kiwi vines. Then they got a lesson (and asked questions) about other fruits that were just beginning to set.  After a demonstration on how to plant corn, they planted a row just as instructed.
     Next, Brother Kerr explained how potatoes are planted and how they grow underground.  They have to be spaced a certain distance apart and covered with dirt.  Many young girls do not know that potatoes grow underground, so it's always exciting to come back and dig them up later in the summer.
     Some of the girls wanted to feed the cow, then everyone enjoyed fresh kiwi and dried apricots, persimmons and pears. While waiting for parents Sister Genny Shull led them in the "gossip" game where she tells one of the girls something and that girl passes it on to the next and so fourth until it comes back to her.  Usually the phrase is quite different by that time, but this time it came back perfectly.  The phrase was "Kiwis are delicious!"

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Gwen Radulovich Baptized by Her Father

   On March 17, 2019
     Gwendolyn Naomi Radulovich was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her father, James Radulovich. The service was attended by Gwen's grandparents,  aunts, uncles, and cousins along with ward members.
  Gwen's grandfather read a "cute little book" about the Holy Ghost.  Afterward the Radulovichs hosted a light luncheon for all to enjoy.  We welcome Gwen as an "official" member of the ward.

Right: Baptism Day: Gwen with her mom and dad, James and Maregarette Radulovich, and her brothers Christopher and William.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Carlstons Welcome New Baby Boy to Family

     Ben and Elizabeth Carlston welcomed Bennett Lorenzo Charles Carlston on February 15, 2019, weighing 9lbs. 7oz. and measuring 22.25” long. His first name Bennett is similar in sound to his dad, Benjamin. It is also a shortened form of the Italian name “Benedetto,” meaning “blessed.” His next name, Lorenzo, is after Lorenzo Snow, who dedicated the country of Italy for missionary work. Bennett’s dad served his mission in Italy and is very excited to share his love of all things Italian with Bennett. Charles is the name of Bennett’s maternal grandfather.  When the Carlstons found out he had cancer for the third time on the very day they found out that Bennett was a little boy, "We knew instantly that Charles would be part of his name," Elizabeth said.

The Carlstons say: We are very happy to have little Bennett in our family and are humbled at the opportunity we have to teach him the gospel and help him prepare to receive the priesthood and serve a mission.

Christ Emphasized in Rome Temple Dedication Fireside

     Mokelumne River Ward was privileged to host a fireside covering the interesting details about the building, open house, and dedication of the Rome Temple.  Cliff and Ann Kerr presented all the details in an entertaining, yet spiritual, collection of video and pictures.
   Keeping the Savior Jesus Christ foremost throughout, they linked the temple's inside décor as well as the landscaping to things they saw and learned in Italy.
A special song to close the program brought tears to many eyes.  Nicole Howton, an extremely talented singer from Vineyard Ward, sang "How Great Thou Art" in Italian, while Sheryl Gleave accompanied her beautifully on the piano.  Ann illustrated each line with pictures depicting God's creation of our earth, and beautiful pictures of Christ applicable to each line, with sub-titles in English.

Relief Society Celebrates 177th Birthday!

      A big turnout of Mokelumne River Ward sisters and Young Women enjoyed the annual celebration of the organization of the Relief Society.  The theme was "What if her story was my story?  What if her shoes were my shoes."  Wendy Weight gave the main talk, saying that we need to see each other in a different lens. (Through the lens of Christ.)  God loves us because it's his nature.
    Several other sisters spoke about their experiences in Relief Society:  Lisa Holden, Janel Johnson, Joan Verdorn, and Ann Grether.
     The evening started with a delicious pasta bar and salad.  Cupcakes made to look like high heel shoes were at each place setting for desert.
     It was a good time for old friends, and new friends to get together and share their love.  The bottom/right picture is sister missionaries.
   Rhiannon Gonzalez welcomed the sisters.  Lisa Clegg coordinated the event and was helped by Serena Powell, Shawna Banks, Julie Evans, Chrissy Plines, and Sandy Harrison.