Monday, April 22, 2019

Activity Day Girls Visit the Farm

     It's always fun to visit the Cliff Kerr garden on Lucas Rd. and learn how vegetables and fruit are grown. The Mokelumne River Ward Activity Day Girls started with a service project of piling up pruned branches from the kiwi vines. Then they got a lesson (and asked questions) about other fruits that were just beginning to set.  After a demonstration on how to plant corn, they planted a row just as instructed.
     Next, Brother Kerr explained how potatoes are planted and how they grow underground.  They have to be spaced a certain distance apart and covered with dirt.  Many young girls do not know that potatoes grow underground, so it's always exciting to come back and dig them up later in the summer.
     Some of the girls wanted to feed the cow, then everyone enjoyed fresh kiwi and dried apricots, persimmons and pears. While waiting for parents Sister Genny Shull led them in the "gossip" game where she tells one of the girls something and that girl passes it on to the next and so fourth until it comes back to her.  Usually the phrase is quite different by that time, but this time it came back perfectly.  The phrase was "Kiwis are delicious!"

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