Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Relief Society Celebrates 177th Birthday!

      A big turnout of Mokelumne River Ward sisters and Young Women enjoyed the annual celebration of the organization of the Relief Society.  The theme was "What if her story was my story?  What if her shoes were my shoes."  Wendy Weight gave the main talk, saying that we need to see each other in a different lens. (Through the lens of Christ.)  God loves us because it's his nature.
    Several other sisters spoke about their experiences in Relief Society:  Lisa Holden, Janel Johnson, Joan Verdorn, and Ann Grether.
     The evening started with a delicious pasta bar and salad.  Cupcakes made to look like high heel shoes were at each place setting for desert.
     It was a good time for old friends, and new friends to get together and share their love.  The bottom/right picture is sister missionaries.
   Rhiannon Gonzalez welcomed the sisters.  Lisa Clegg coordinated the event and was helped by Serena Powell, Shawna Banks, Julie Evans, Chrissy Plines, and Sandy Harrison.

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