Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mikayla Kidd Welcomed Home from Mission

   Sister Mikayla Kidd, daughter of Mark and Vicki Kidd, is welcomed home from serving in the North Carolina Raleigh Mission by friends and family.
   In her final email she said, "Serving a mission has been the greatest decision I've ever made and I know that was part of the Lord's plan for me.  I've had some experiences that will change me for the rest of my life.
   "I know my Savior loves me and I know the Book of Mormon is true.  I know the Plan of Salvation is truly God's plan for each of us.  I've learned lots and struggled lots, but relied on the Lord lots and it's been totally worth it.  The NCRM really is the best mission in the world.
   "I am so excited to come home and move onto the next chapter in my life, but sad to say goodbye to this time.  There will never be anything like it!"
   We welcome Mikayla home and wish her the best in her next endeavor.

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